Music Theory and Practical in Steel Pan

Music Theory and Practical in Steel Pan


By CDF from St. Lucia News Online

The Cultural Development Foundation (CDF), mandated to nurture the skills of Saint Lucian creatives and offer support to the development of Saint Lucian artistic expression, knows the enriching value of the arts to the lives of individuals and the resulting impact on the society.

Through the implementation of our programmes, we work towards providing training to allow artists to reach proficient levels; thereby developing a more business focused professional; ready to share Saint Lucian arts and culture to the world.

This summer, the CDF is offering a schedule of activities in the communities of Vieux Fort, Soufriere and Castries for arts enthusiasts, spanning a range of genres in the Arts.

Performing Arts will be the focus of the Summer Arts Training Programme offered in Vieux Fort, which will hone the talents of youngsters from 6 – 14 years in an exciting two week engagement (July 12th – August 4th).

From 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, participants will be tutored in the areas of Dance, Music and Drama.

Between July 24th and August 24th, residents of Soufriere and surrounding communities will receive training in Music Theory and Practical in Steel Pan.

The interactive Steel Pan Training sessions will be conducted Monday to Thursday from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon for interested persons from as young as nine (9) years.

An opportunity for young people ages 8 to 17 to become involved in positive self-development through engagement in the Arts and Culture will be made available to students for the period July 20th to August 18th from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

The Youth Summer Arts Platform (YSAP) will take place at the National Cultural Centre and will offer costume design, creative writing, photography, film, drumming, art and drama. The programme has the added attraction of face-to-face interaction with noted Saint Lucian cultural activists.

Parents and other interested persons are invited to call the CDF on 457 9021 for further details on the summer programmes and to register.

The Cultural Development Foundation’s website ( and Facebook page ( can also be accessed for regular updates and CDF programmes.

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