TTCSE Christmas Event

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

It was two-fold celebration when the Trinidad & Tobago Chinese Steel Ensemble hosted its Christmas and Appreciation get together

Desperadoes in Haiti relief drive

Monday, 5 December 2016

The members of Desperadoes Steel Orchestra will today begin packing a container with supplies to be sent to Haiti, and are also mobilising to assist in the recovery of Matelot.


Monday, 28 November 2016

Pan Trinbago established in 1971, previously known as The Trinidad Steelbandmen Association founded in 1949

Hostile Takeover

Thursday, 3 November 2016

I’m looking for a calypso singer, because I believe I have a winner. 

UWI doctorate for pan pioneer

Monday, 24 October 2016

Renowned pan pioneer Anthony Williams was on Saturday presented with an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters by the University of the West Indies (UWI), St Augustine during the morning graduation ceremony.


Monday, 17 October 2016

There is a popular belief that a certain sector of this society brings nothing to the table and is comfortable; depending on governmental handouts for their very survival. This has been said over and over for such a long period of time that people, in and out of that grouping, believe it to be true. 

The people who have built this country from the ground to the towers are the ones being accused of liking too much hand outs and freeness, and are always gimme gimme. That may sound good and justifying to those ignorant of our historical development and those enjoying mischief. The people referred to did not invent the “dependency syndrome”system, they inherited it. Although they have not been able to benefit in any positive way, they are always made to appear as if they lack ambition, are lazy, uncreative and unproductive and are the ones who look to the government for everything. What utter rubbish! 

Pan Bits From Around The World ...