Panorama 2018

/ Categories: PANORAMA 2018







                                                                                                            Page Numbers



1. Authority


2. Definitions

2 - 3

3. Management


4. Registration

3 - 4

5. Participation

5 - 6

6. Music


7. Adjudication

6 – 8

8. Arrangers


9. Procedure for Competition

8 - 11

10. Qualifying and Preliminary Rounds

11 - 12

11. National Semi-Finals

12 - 13

12. National Finals


13. Discipline

13 - 14

14. Recordings


15. Finance


16. Transport


17. Force Majeure


18. Interpretation


19. Declaration (to sign and return)


20. Appendices (“A” – page 1 to 3)




1.         AUTHORITY:


            These Rules and Regulations are written in accordance with Article 7, Part B, clauses ‘12’ and ‘14’ of the Constitution of Pan Trinbago Inc.


2.         DEFINITIONS:


2.1       Definitions and Interpretations – In this document, unless the context otherwise specifies or requires:


a)     Authorized person” means any member of the Panorama Management Committee, Central Executive or any person so designated. Such person shall be clearly identified by displaying his or her identification card or badge;


b)    Competition” means the Panorama competition at any of its respective stages and culminating in the National Finals for the competing steelbands;


c)     “Competition route” means the route that begins at the assembly area for bands, continues to the holding bay, the stage/performance area, and ends off stage after performance.


d)    Conventional Steelbandmeans a steelband in which a pannist can play single or multiple steel drum instruments;


e)     Single Pan Steelband” means a steelband in which a pannist can play single steel drum instruments only;


f)     Panorama Management Committee” means the Committee established by the Central Executive Committee of the organization to manage the competition;


g)    organization” means Pan Trinbago Inc. (1986);


h)    Panorama” means the annual steelband competition organized by Pan Trinbago Inc. (1986) which commences in the weeks prior to Carnival and culminates in all the Panorama Finals.  This competition is for steelbands and the music is of the genre Calypso/Soca. 


i)      Panyard” means the place of abode of the steelband. The venue for the storage of the steelpan instruments, rehearsals and other related social activities of the steelband members;


j)      Player” means a person who performs as part of a steelband and includes pannists and others who plays non-melodic percussion instruments.


k)    Rules” means the Rules and Regulations governing the conduct of the competition;


l)      steelband” means a group of pannists playing instruments of the steel pan family and supported by a rhythm section;


m)   “Categories” means the different sizes and forms of steelband/steel orchestra for the purposes of the ‘competition’;


n)    “Pannist” means a player of steelpan instrument(s).


o)    “Holding Bay” means the area immediately preceding the stage or performance area.




3.1       Panorama Management Committee - Panorama 2018 shall be managed by a Panorama Management Committee selected by the Central Executive in accordance with the Constitution of the organization;


3.2       Powers to Co-opt Persons – The Panorama Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt persons who may assist in performing any of the duties and responsibilities granted to the Committee;


3.3       Duties of the Panorama Management Committee - The duties of the Panorama Management Committee shall be as follows:-


(a)           to apply and administer rules and regulations governing the competition as ratified by the Central Executive Committee and;

(b)           to submit a report in writing on the competition to the Central Executive Committee within twenty one (21) days of the completion of the competition.


4.       REGISTRATION                   


4.1    Registration of steelbands:


4.1.1    Registration is open to all steelbands who are members of the organization for at least two (2) years and is of good financial standing.  Note the deadline for registration for Panorama 2018 was 31st  March 2017.


4.1.2    Please note that the deadline for registration for Panorama 2019 is 31st March, 2018.


4.2.    Registration of players


4.2.1    Every steelband registered and participating in the Panorama is required to submit to the Panorama Management Committee the list of names of all their players   who would be performing in the competition on or before the date of their first performance.


            Therefore, for Panorama 2018, the deadline date for each category in each zone is as follows:








Thurs. 4th January, ‘18

Mon. January 15th ‘18

Sat. 20th January, ‘18

Mon. 22nd January, ‘18


Sun. 7th January, ‘18

Sun. 21st January, ‘18

Fri, 19th January, ‘18

Sat. 20th January, ‘18

South/ Central

Tues. 9th January, ‘18

Sat. 20th January, ‘18


Mon. 22nd January, ‘18


Tues. 23rd January, ‘18


Thurs. 11th January, ‘18

Wed. 17th February, ‘18

Tues. 23rd January, ‘18

Sun. 21st January, ‘18



4.3.      (i)        Registration Fee      The registration fee shall be the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for all local players.


(ii)  All Non-nationals of Trinidad and Tobago before performing at the National Panorama with any steelband/steel orchestra, shall pay a due of one hundred United States dollars ($100.00 US) to the association, for temporary membership for one (1) year, in accordance with Pan Trinbago’s Constitution Bye-Laws.


4.4       Entitlement of Registration:


(a)   Only players who are registered with Pan Trinbago shall be authorised to perform in the competition.


(b)  Players shall be authorised to perform with one (1) steelband in each division of the competition.


(c)   A lumpsum payment will be made payable to each band as players remittance to be paid to performers who have been certified as having performed at the Preliminary round.


Band Leaders are required to submit the list where players signed for receiving their remittance as evidence of receipt.


Any band leader that fails to pay their players as per list submitted, will be held accountable for the money.


The amount of players counted at the preliminary round and signed off by the respective band official cannot be changed after submission.




5.1      Participation in Panorama 2018 shall be open to all bands properly registered as at  4.1, subject to:


(a)           The band continues to be in good financial standing in the organization;


(b)           The band establishes to the satisfaction of the Regional, Central Executive and Panorama Management Committee that it is reasonably prepared for the competition.


(c)            The band has no disciplinary matters (for or against) it with the organization.


5.2          Category of participants in the National Steelband Panorama:


a)           There shall be four (4) categories of steelbands for the purposes of

the National Steelband Panorama.


b)             The categories of steelbands shall be as follows:


                                          i.         Large Conventional Steelbands

                                        ii.         Medium Conventional Steelbands

                                       iii.         Small Conventional Steelbands

                                       iv.         Single Pan Steelbands



c)          ALL conventional steelbands shall be permitted to play with a minimum of forty (40) players as registered in the various categories for 2018.


d)             The Maximum number of players permitted to perform in each conventional category shall be as follows:















e)              Single Pan Steelbands -  Single pan bands shall be permitted to perform as follows:




30 maximum &

20 minimum

30 maximum


5.3     Any steelband that fails to appear and compete at any stage of the competition shall be considered to be in contravention of the rules, and any such steelband      shall be obligated to return any monies forwarded by and through the organization and received by them as Assistance to bands in preparation for the competition.


5.3.1    Any Steelband that is in receipt and possession of monies as at 5.3 shall be required to return such monies to the organization within seven (7) days of the   date that they failed to appear.  Failure to do so would render the band to be not in good financial standing until and unless (i) the monies are repaid in full or (ii) the band makes an agreement for repayment to the satisfaction and acceptance of the organization.


5.4       Draw for Playing Positions – All competing bands shall be required to draw for playing positions in the Semi-Finals and Finals of the 2018 National Panorama Competition.  The Steelbands shall be notified by telephone, email and/or written circular of the date and time of each draw for each stage of competition.


6.             MUSIC:


6.1        Music Selection – For the purposes of the competition, each participating steelband may select and perform any Calypso/Soca or Chutney, providing that:


a)    the selection has not been played by said steelband at a previous Panorama Competition.


6.2        Failure to Comply with Music Selection - Any steelband which selects a  tune for the competition that fails to comply with clause 6.1 hereof shall be            disqualified from the competition.






7.1        Maximum Points for Adjudication – During each stage of the competition, every steelband shall be marked on the basis of a maximum of 100 points.


7.2        Adjudication Criteria – Each steelband shall be awarded points for the following categories:-


(a)            Arrangement – a maximum of 40 points shall be awarded under this category


(b)           General Performance - a maximum of 40 points shall be awarded under this category


(c)            Tone - a maximum of 10 points shall be awarded under this category


(d)           Rhythm - a maximum of 10 points shall be awarded under this category.




The qualifying round for Single Pan Steelbands shall be held in each region and will commence from Thursday, January 4, 2018.  The Panorama Management Committee shall determine the schedule for the judging process.






The Preliminary rounds of the Conventional Steelbands shall be held in each region and will commence from Monday, January 15, 2018.  The Panorama Management Committee shall determine the schedule for the judging process.





Judging of the performance of each steelband during the qualifying/preliminary stages of the competition shall occur at the panyard of the particular steelband or where such panyard location is deemed unsuitable for the purpose, at a suitable location in the particular community.




The Regional Executive shall have sole authority to determine whether a particular panyard or other location within the community is in fact a suitable location for the conduct of the qualifying/preliminary judging competition for the respective steelband.




The process of adjudication of the qualifying/preliminary stage of the competition shall be as follows:


a)     The Panorama Management Committee shall recommend four (4) panels of four (4) adjudicators to judge the qualifying round for Single Pan and the preliminary round of the National Panorama Competition in the various categories.


b)    Immediately at the end of the qualifying round of the Single Pan Bands and the Preliminaries of the Conventional steelbands, the four (4) adjudicators shall draw by ballot to select the three (3) to be applied to the score and the one to be the alternate.


c)     Except that, if any of the four (4) adjudicators should become unable to function for the entire qualifying round for Single Pan Steelbands or the Preliminaries of the Conventional Steelbands, then the score shall be determined from the three (3) remaining adjudicators.




           Six (6) adjudicators shall deliberate at the Semi-Final and Final round of the   competition 


7.9       The Score


The score earned by a steelband at the Semi-Final and Final round of the competition shall be the aggregate of the points awarded by three (3) adjudicators as follows:


a.     Immediately at the end of adjudication, the six (6) adjudicators shall draw by ballot to select the five (5) to be applied to the score and the one (1) to be the alternate.

Except that, if any of the six (6) adjudicators should become unable to function for the entire competition, then the score shall be determined from the five (5) remaining adjudicators.


b.     The highest and lowest of the points awarded to a steelband by the five (5) adjudicators shall be excluded and the score shall be the aggregate points of the remaining three (3) adjudicators.


7.10     The decision of the adjudicators shall be final and binding and the Panorama Management Committee shall not entertain any protest with regard to judging.


8.      ARRANGERS:

8.1       Arrangers – Arrangers shall be allowed to arrange for only one (1) steelband in each category.






9.1.1    Procedures to be observed by steelbands on the day of the competition:


(a)           Each steelband is required to present its members and instruments at the competition venue at least two (2) hours prior to the time stipulated for the commencement of the competition;


(b)           All steelbands shall appear and play in the order in which they drew by  ballot;


(c)            If any steelband shall fail to appear in the position in which they were due to appear as selected by ballot, the next steelband in sequence as selected by ballot shall proceed along the competition route to the judging area when instructed to do so by duly authorized personnel;


(d)           No steelband shall deliberately impede another steelband.


(e)            Steelbands are expected to play/rehearse their music along the competition route until a clearly marked cut off point.


(f)            All steelbands shall be easily identifiable and shall have prominently displayed on its banner the Name of the Steelband, its location, the Name of its Manager, Captain/Leader, Composer, Arranger, Tuner/s and the Title of the Calypso the steelband is playing as well as the number of the position in which the steelband is appearing as selected by ballot;


(g)           Members, including players, pushers, officials, etc of each steelband must be easily identifiable.


9.1.2    Procedures to be observed by steelbands prior to their performance:


(a)   Steelbands shall stop playing before proceeding into the “Holding Bay”;


(b)  Steelbands shall prepare for performance in the “Holding Bay” and proceed on stage when required to do so by the authorized personnel.


(c)   Each steelband shall be subject to a count by the authorised personnel immediately prior to the commencement of its performance, to determine that the number of players about to perform is within the minimum and maximum as set out in clause 5.2.


(d)  Any authorized official of the steelband may assist the authorized personnel in the count of players and no member, official or supporter of a steelband shall impede the authorised personnel from carrying out the count.


(e)   Where there is disagreement between the authorised personnel and the steelband official(s) on the results of the count, the matter shall be referred and decided upon by a panel of three (3) members of the Panorama Management Committee, and no steelband shall commence performance until there is agreement or decision on the result of the count.


(f)   Any undue delay or refusal by a steelband to comply to any decision by the Panorama Management Committee shall result in the steelband being:


                                        i.         Not adjudicated upon.

                                        ii.        Fined and

                                       iii.      Any other disciplinary action as determined by the Panorama Management Committee and the Central Executive of Pan Trinbago


(g)        The resident Disc Jockey at the respective venues shall be allowed to play the music selected by the steelband for a maximum of eight (8) minutes prior to the commencement of the performance of the steelband.


(h)        Each steelband shall be ready to commence its performance at the end of the playing of its selected music by the D.J.

            The onus is on the steelband to provide their music to the D.J. and the steelband shall commence its performance whether or not the D.J. plays its           selected music.


(i)        The steelband shall commence its performance when required to do so by the authorised personnel and in accordance with clause 9.1.3.


9.1.3    Procedures to be observed by steelbands during their performance.


            All steelbands competing at the National Panorama are required to comply with the following procedures in respect of the commencement and conclusion of their performances before the adjudicators:-


(a)            A steelband shall commence its performance before the adjudicators upon receiving an instruction to do so by means of an Amber Light, or an Amber Flag or Instruction from the Authorised Stage Personnel, who will liaise with the Panorama Management Committee (P.M.C.) official in the judges enclosure.


(b)           A Conventional Steelband shall perform for a maximum of eight (8) minutes before the panel of adjudicators;


(c)            A Single Pan Steelband shall perform for a maximum of six (6) minutes before the panel of adjudicators;


(d)           Upon the conclusion of its performance, a steelband shall immediately proceed along the route away from the stage area upon being signalled to do so by a Green Light or Green Flag or Instruction from the authorised stage personnel.


(e)            If during the performance of a competing steel orchestra, rain begins to fall and even so continues to fall, the onus resides with the officials of the steelband, to determine whether to bring the band’s performance to a stop or not.


                                                        i.     Should weather conditions or any other disturbance cause a steelband to bring particular performance to a stop, there shall be no penalties applied for such temporary halting of said performance.


                                                      ii.     In the instant when the band is ready to start or resume its performance, a representative of the band must inform a stage official, who would relay said information to the relevant officials, before the band starts or restarts its performance.


                                                    iii.     There shall be no penalty if a situation as at 9.3 (e) occurs.


9.1.4    Time of Adjudication – Adjudication time for each Steelband shall commence when the first note(s) is struck and conclude when the last note(s) is struck before the panel of judges.


9.1.5    Any performance by any steelband shall not exceed the allotted time for their   respective category and if any performance should exceed the allotted time, a      deduction of one (1) point from the score given by each judge shall be made for every ten (10) seconds in excess of the allotted time. 


9.1.6    Responsibility for Conduct of Steelband – The leaders and officials of each competing steelband shall be expected to collaborate with the authorized personnel to ensure a smooth and timely flow of steelbands along the competition route.

They shall be held responsible for the behaviour, conduct and general deportment of the members and followers of their steelband.


9.2       The Panorama Management Committee reserves the right to make a count of the performers of the band during their performance.




                     10.1      The Qualifying rounds for Single Pan Steelbands shall be held throughout Trinidad and Tobago as follows:







Thursday January 4



Friday January 5



Saturday January 6






Sunday January 7



Monday January 8






Tuesday January 9



Wednesday January 10






Thursday January 11





                     10.2      The Preliminary rounds for Conventional Steelbands shall be held throughout Trinidad and Tobago as follows:




Monday January 15

North National Small Conventional


Tuesday January 16

North National Small Conventional


Wednesday January 17

Tobago National Small Conventional


Thursday January 18

South/Central National Small Conventional


Friday January 19

South/Central National Small Conventional


Friday January 19

East National Medium Conventional


Saturday January 20

North National Medium Conventional


Saturday January 20

East National Large Conventional


Saturday January 20

South/Central National Small


Sunday January 21

East National Small Conventional


Sunday January 21

North National Medium Conventional


Sunday January 21

Tobago National Large Conventional


Monday January 22

South/Central National Medium Conventional


Monday January 22

East National Small Conventional


Monday January 22

North National Large Conventional


Tuesday January 23

Tobago National Medium Conventional


Tuesday January 23

East National Small Conventional


Tuesday January 23

South/Central National Large Conventional



                     10.3     All bands shall perform at their respective venue in their region.


10.4     Conclusion of Conventional Steelband Preliminary Round – At the conclusion of the Conventional Preliminaries Steelbands will be selected to progress to the National Semi-Finals in order of merit in the following manner:-


 (a)      Fourteen (14) Large Conventional bands

 (b)      Fourteen (14) Medium Conventional Bands

 (c)       Thirty (30) Small Conventional bands


10.5.  At the conclusion of the qualifying round, Single Pan bands will beselected to progress to the National Finals in order of merit in the following manner:


          (a)      Twenty (20) Single Pan bands




11.1   Semi-Final Round for the Small Conventional Steelbands shall be held at Ramsaran Street, Chaguanas on Saturday 27th January, 2018.


11.2     Semi-Final Round for the Medium and Large Conventional Steelbands respectively shall be held at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, on Sunday January 28, 2018 from 1.00 p.m.


11.3     National Single Pan Finals – At the conclusion of the qualifying round, twenty (20) steelbands shall be selected by order of merit to compete in the Single Pan Finals, which will be held at the Basketball Court – Arima.


11.4     Small Conventional Band Finals - At the conclusion of the Semi-Final round – fourteen (14) steelbands shall be selected by order of merit to compete in the National Small Conventional Band Finals to be held at Skinner Park, San Fernando.


11.5     National Medium Band Finals – At the conclusion of the Semi-Final round, ten (10) steelbands shall be selected by order of merit to compete in the National Finals.



11.6     National Large Band Finals – At the conclusion of the semi-final round, ten (10) steelbands shall be selected by order of merit to compete in the National Finals.




12.1     The Finals for Single Pan– The National Finals for Single Pan shall be held at the Basketball Court, Arima on Sunday January 14, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.


12.2     The Finals for Small Conventional Bands– The National Finals for Small Conventional Bands shall be held at Skinner Park, San Fernando on Thursday February 8, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.


12.3     The Finals for Medium and Large Conventional Steelbands – The National Finals for the Medium and Large Conventional Steelbands shall be held at Queen’s Park Savannah on Saturday February 10, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.




13.1     Disciplinary Measures – Failure to comply with any of the provisions of these Rules without good and sufficient reason satisfactory to Panorama Management Committee a steelband shall be subject to fine and/or disqualification by the Panorama Management Committee, after investigations.


13.2.1  Any steelband that fails to comply with clause 4.2.1 – i.e. to submit to the Panorama Management Committee and/or Pan Trinbago, the list of players in the stipulated time (on or before the deadline date), that steelband shall incur a fine of ten percent (10%) of their Appearance Fee.


13.2.2`And any steelband that fails to submit to the Panorama Management Committee (P.M.C.) and/or Pan Trinbago the list of players within seven (7) days after the stipulated time, that steelband shall incur a further fine of ten percent (10%) of their Appearance Fee.


13.3     Any steelband that fails to register with Pan Trinbago any non-national of Trinidad and Tobago for temporary membership shall incur a fine of ten percent (10%) of their Appearance Fee and seven hundred Trinidad and Tobago dollars ($700.00 TTD) for each non-national not registered.


13.4     Penalty for failure to comply with:

a.     Clause 9.1.1 (b), (d), (e) and (f):

10% of Appearance Fee/Prize Money


b.     Clause 9.1.2. (a), (h), and (i):

10% of Appearance Fee/Prize Money


c.     Clause 9.1.2 (d) and (f):

15% of Appearance Fee/Prize Money



d.     Clause 9.1.6:

10% of Appearance Fee/Prize Money


e.     Any player who is recognized and certified by the authorised personnel as having performed with more than one (1) steelband in contravention of Rule 4.4 (b) shall not be in receipt of any Player Remittance/Performance Fee as at 4.4 (c) and 4.4 (e).  Any such fees shall be forfeited to and by the organization.


13.5     Any steelband that brings legal action against the organization If the action brought about is lost, the band will be required to pay cost as ordered by the court.


14.       RECORDINGS


14.1      Right to Make Recordings – The organization whether by its agents or consignees, shall have the right to record on audio, video or other medium the performances of a performer or a band of performers during any phase of the competition and to utilize such recording for such purposes as it deems appropriate.


14.2      Consent to Recordings – The subscribing to this document of a signature of any person duly authorized to act on behalf of a steelband shall be deemed sufficient consent by that member steelband to the recording of its performance at the competition by the organization for the purpose stated at 14.1 hereof.


14.3      Share in Revenues – Where the organization proposes to offer the said recordings or any of them for sale to third parties, the organization shall enter into negotiations with each performer or steelband whose performance is captured on the particular recording determine the quantum of remuneration to be remitted to them out of the profits realized from the said sale.


15.       FINANCE


15.1      Financial Contributions - In keeping with the resolution to that effect passed by the members of the organization at its Convention in 1982, each steelband which participates in the competition shall remit to the organization a financial contribution in a sum equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the earnings of the steelband from Prize Monies, Appearance Fees and Assistance Fees received in connection with the competition.


15.2     Deduction from Gross Earnings – For the purposes of convenience in remitting payment of the financial contribution mentioned in clause 15.1 hereof, the organization shall deduct the respective sum from the gross earnings of each steelband prior to paying over the net earnings to the said steelband.


15.3     Quantum of Prize Monies – The quantum of Prize Monies, Appearance Fees and Assistance Fees is and shall always be contingent upon the sums received by the organization from the allocation from the Ministry of Community Development, Culture and The Arts, through the National Carnival Commission or other designated Ministry that the organization falls under.






16.1     Transportation Expenses – During the Semi-Final stage of the competition Pan Trinbago will assist competing steelbands in the Small and Medium Conventional categories in meeting their transportation costs to and from the respective competition venues.


17.       FORCE MAJEURE:


17.1     Means an event or effect that cannot be reasonably anticipated or controlled —   compared to an act of god.


17.2    Pan Trinbago shall not be liable for any action that may arise because of any inability to commence and/or conclude any round of the National Panorama arising     FORCE MAJEURE and shall reserve the right to decide on any alternative or resolution to any situation or condition that may arise.




18.1     Interpretation of Rules – These Rules shall be construed in accordance with the  Constitution of the organisation and the laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.


18.2     Where Rules are Silent – On any matter in relation to the competition in respect of which these Rules are  silent, the  Panorama Management Committee  shall have the power to make decisions thereon and any decision of the Panorama Management Committee made in those circumstances shall be final and binding on all parties.


18.3    If any round of Panorama, i,e, Preliminary, Semi-Finals or Finals cannot be started

and/or completed because of any force majeure, Pan Trinbago reserves the right to decide on any alternative or resolution.


















Please sign and return this part only


on or before January 4, 2018






I, __________________________ for and on behalf of ______________________________________________________ Steel Orchestra, do hereby declare and confirm that I have read and fully understand the foregoing Rules and Regulations of Panorama 2018 and as the authorized representative of the said ____________________________________________________ Steel Orchestra, do hereby agree to observe and abide by the said Rules and Regulations.

















Dated Friday December 29, 2017


Next Article PANORAMA 2018 EVENTS