Event date:
09/02/2019 9:00 PM - 02/03/2019 2:00 AM Export event
Culture Bus Mobile Party and Panyard Sensations
The culture bus is moving!
“Panyard Sensations”
9th - 12th Feb 2019
Pick up: City Gate, City Hall,
hotels on request
Final countdown at panyards
feb 25th to March 1st 2019
From the 9th to 12th February 2019, the Culture Bus excursion to Panyards judging throughout Trinidad. Free yourself of transport and looking for a parking spot. Be a part of real pan talk and enjoy the moment, not missing a beat of the action. LOOK OUT! THE FINAL COUNTDOWN visit to panyards Feb 25th to March 1st 2019
FOR BOOKINGS CALL 1 868 686-8200/ 1 868 781-3100/1 868 624-1584