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   Junior (21 and Under) Panorama 2024


Panorama 2024 Preliminaries Judging Schedule for All Junior Bands.

Judging takes place in the panyard or at a designated location within the community.






Mon Jan 08


Wed Jan 10


Junior Panorama 2024 (21 and Under) Preliminaries Judging in the Panyards / Communities

This event is free.

Bands perform in their Pan Yards or at a venue in the community. See schedule here  Junior Panorama Prelims Schedule 2024 


Jan 14


Junior Panorama 2024 (21 and Under) FINALS

Venue: Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain. Showtime: 9AM

This event is free

Get more event information  -  National Junior Panorama 2024 Finals